The safeguarding and protection of every single child who is connected to the Alongsiders movement is our highest priority. This Child Protection Policy provides a framework of principles, standards and guidelines upon which decisions and practices within our organization will be based.
1. Statement of commitment
1.1. Alongsiders International is wholeheartedly committed to the protection of children and we oppose all forms of exploitation and abuse.
1.2. Alongsiders International is committed to upholding and respecting the dignity and rights of all children and the best interests of the child/young person will always be our primary consideration.
1.3. Alongsiders International is committed to a culture that ensures children are listened to and respected as individuals.
1.4. Alongsiders International commits to fully undertaking our duty of care responsibilities and we are committed to ensuring that our programs, interactions and activities are safe and positive experiences for the child.
1.5. Alongsiders International is committed to abiding by international and local laws regarding child rights and welfare. This includes the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Minimum Age of Working Children and any other relevant legislation.
1.6. Alongsiders International commits to taking all necessary steps to manage and minimize any potential risk of child abuse within our programs and will do everything we can to protect children from harm.
1.7. Alongsiders International commits to ensuring that information or images about children are never used in a way that places the child or young person at risk, or compromises their safety or dignity. Detailed guidelines governing the use of photography, video or personal stories are fully outlined in the section of this policy called Storytelling, Social Media and Use of Images.
1.8. Alongsiders International commits to reporting any known or suspected cases of child abuse or exploitation to relevant authorities.
1.9. Alongsiders International commits to the empowerment and participation of children and believes that children and young people have the right to speak and be heard. Therefore where possible, children will be included in the surveys, evaluation or monitoring.
1.10. Alongsiders International commits to being open and transparent in all of our activities and will be accountable to our international Boards, donors and other stakeholders, to ensure that our practices and policies are visible, regularly evaluated and in keeping with best practice.
2. Code of Conduct (Guidelines of Practice and Behavior)
All associates of Alongsiders International are required to interact with children in a way that fully respects their dignity and rights, and minimizes any possible situation of risk. All Alongsiders associates will:
2.1. Treat all children and young people with dignity, fairness and respect regardless of age, race, gender, social background, skin colour, religion, sexuality, disability, culture or beliefs.
2.2. Always uphold the dignity and rights of a child/young person and act and make decisions with their best interests as the primary consideration.
2.3. Always engage in safe and positive behaviors towards children and young people.
2.4. Use positive, non-humiliating and non-violent methods to correct, control or manage the behavior of a child/young person if this is required.
2.5. Always maintain appropriate physical boundaries with children and young people and be mindful that touch should always be age-appropriate and initiated by the child rather than the adult.
2.6 Wherever possible, ensure that another trusted person is present when they are interacting with a child/young person. If this is not possible, the Alongsiders associate must endeavour to interact with the child in public view of other people, family or community members. This provides accountability and protection for both the child/young person and the Alongsiders associate.
2.7. Unless the person is at immediate risk, never invite an unaccompanied child/young person into their home if they are at home alone. Interacting in groups, with other trusted adults present or in open, public spaces is advised and creates accountability.
2.8. Always ensure that when sharing sleeping accommodation with a child/young person (dormitory/guesthouse/tent) that there is at least 3 people of the same gender in the room. Sharing sleeping accommodation with an individual child or with children who are of the opposite sex is not permitted.
2.9. Always be responsible for their own behaviour and choices. No child may be held responsible for any abuse perpetrated against them, even if the child behaved in ways that may be considered provocative, seductive or otherwise inappropriate.
2.10. Never be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs in the course of their work with Alongsiders, or when they are interacting with children as this may impair their ability to identify, prevent and respond to behaviors that endanger children.
2.11. Strive for integrity and wholeness in their personal lives and behaviors and therefore commit to not viewing pornographic material, in any form, nor engage in soliciting sexual activity or prostitution.
2.12. Use electronic devices, recording technology and/or social media appropriately and never to exploit, harass or put a child or young person at risk through the use of technology. Never provide a child/young person with access to mobile phones/electronic devices that may expose them to inappropriate content.
2.13. Protect children from any form of child labour and exploitation and refrain from employing children for domestic or other work that is inappropriate to their age or developmental stage or which interferes with access to education, recreation or places them at risk of injury.
2.14. Take seriously any complaint of child abuse, from whatever source, and report any known breach of this Child Protection policy or any concerns relating to the safety of a child or young person to the leadership of Alongsiders immediately.
2.15. Comply with local, national and international Child Protection laws.
3. Procedures and Systems for Prevention
3.1. Recruitment and Screening
3.1.1. All Alongsiders employees and volunteers will be carefully interviewed and screened, and must provide satisfactory work and character references.
3.1.2. All Alongsiders employees, volunteers and interns are required to provide a recent criminal history background clearance/police check from their passport country to Alongsiders prior to or upon their employment.
3.1.3. Prior to commencing work with Alongsiders all employees, volunteers and interns will be advised of their contractual requirement to comply with this policy and will be asked to sign and agree to the Alongsiders Child Protection Declaration which includes a statement that they have no previous convictions for abuse against children, violent behaviour and improper conduct.
3.1.4. All employees and associates are required to disclose immediately all criminal charges, convictions or offences which have occurred prior to or during their association with Alongsiders. Providing false or withholding information regarding criminal history or suitability to work with children may be considered grounds for immediate dismissal.
3.2. Child Protection Training
3.2.1. Alongsiders International will provide an induction to all new employees, volunteers and interns regarding our Child Protection policy and procedures.
3.2.2. Alongsiders International will provide all employees and associates with regular opportunities to discuss child protection issues and update their knowledge and understanding of our Child Protection protocols and practices.
3.3. International and local partnerships
Alongsiders International is a global movement and is committed to empowering local church networks, denominations and partners throughout the world to lead the work of Alongsiders. Alongsiders therefore requires that:
3.3.1. Every partner have their own culturally sensitive child protection protocols and practices in place that are aligned with the principles and practices stated in this policy.
3.3.2. If any partner of Alongsiders International is found to be neglecting or not complying with their own child protection policies, or not abiding with the general principles outlined in this policy, the partnership with Alongsiders International will be terminated.
3.4. Camps and other excursions
Alongsiders International recognizes the need to implement specific guidelines to manage child protection risks associated with camps, trips, outings and excursions that are a regular part of our programs.
3.4.1. Alongsiders has site-specific child protection protocols in place for Shalom Valley and requires that all adults sign the Shalom Valley Camp Rules and Child Protection Agreement when attending the campsite.
3.4.2. All international visitors participating in camps with national children are required to provide a recent criminal history background clearance from their passport country to Alongsiders International prior to attending a camp at Shalom Valley. Where background/police checks are not available, provision of a reference letter from a leader/elder from their home church may suffice.
3.4.3. During all Alongsiders camps and excursions, the Alongsiders area representatives must ensure that sufficient and appropriate supervision is provided for the number, age and gender of the children attending.
3.4.4. Consent must be obtained from a parent or guardian of the child/young person, and where possible, in writing before they attend an outing. Always ensure parents/guardians are advised the trip itinerary, when the children will return and are provided with relevant phone numbers of the trip leaders.
3.4.3. To ensure the safety of the passengers, transport provided to attend camps or other Alongsiders outings must comply with local traffic laws. Drivers must hold a current license for the vehicle they are driving and, where available, seat belts must be worn by all passengers.
3.4.4. A detailed list of the attendees, including their emergency contact details, should be created by the group leader. Each participant (adult and child) should wear some form of group identification (such as an Alongsiders lanyard, wristband or T-shirt).
3.4.5. Competent swimmers should always be in attendance if the excursions include swimming at a beach, river, lake or swimming pool. Close supervision must be provided to children when they are in the water to ensure their safety.
3.4.10. A designated first aid person with adequate training and access to a first aid kit should travel with the group on outings where possible.
4. Reporting and response to allegations
4.1 Incidents, allegations, suspicions or concerns regarding a breach to child protection must immediately be reported to an Alongsiders area rep, Alongsiders Director or the Child Protection Officer.
4.2. The Alongsiders employee/associate must complete an Accident/Incident report form to provide full information regarding the claim or incident and forward this to an Alongsiders area rep, Alongsiders Director or the Child Protection Officer.
4.2. All claims of abuse or breach of child protection will be thoroughly investigated by the Child Protection Officer and leadership of Alongsiders International.
4.3. When responding to concerns or allegations of harm or abuse, the ultimate guiding principle will be the best interests and well being of the child or young person involved.
4.4. A child/young person who reports a concerns or claims to the subject of abuse will be protected, taken seriously and treated with respect. Alongsiders will not dismiss a child's accusation of abuse without a full investigation. In the event that an allegation made in good faith is found to be unfounded or untrue, no action will be taken against the person who made the claim.
4.5. The alleged perpetrator will also be treated with dignity and care from the start to the end of the investigation.
4.6. The Child Protection Officer will be responsible for the initial investigation into all claims and managing the dissemination of information. The investigation will be kept as confidential as possible with only those directly involved in the investigation, or relevant referral agencies, permitted to access or be provided with relevant information.
4.7. At the commencement of the investigation, the child/young person must be advised that every attempt will be made to keep the information they disclose confidential. However, if a breach of child protection is determined then it may need to be shared with relevant referral agencies/authorities or within the leadership of Alongsiders.
4.8. The Child Protection Officer, in conjunction with the Alongsiders Directors, will conduct an investigation and assessment of the allegation and take appropriate action (this could range from no-action, behavioural management, counseling, referring of the complaint to local law enforcement/police, disciplinary action or dismissal).
4.9. Any relevant medical treatment, further referrals and ongoing support (counseling/medical care) for the child/young person will, if feasible, be provided by Alongsiders International.
4.10. All records relating to the facts and decisions made in investigation must be carefully compiled by the Child Protection Officer and kept in a confidential file.
4.11. All investigations must comply with the relevant local, national and international child protection laws. Incidences that breach the law must be reported to local authorities.
4.12. In the event that an abuse allegation or child protection breach is substantiated, this will be considered grounds for immediate dismissal and the Alongsiders employee/associate will not be permitted to continue working with Alongsiders International in any capacity.
5. Confidentiality
5.1. Alongsiders International respects the confidentiality of all information gathered by our employees/associates regarding children, their health, family background, and personal history. Personal information should only be accessed by authorized staff on a ‘need to know’ basis.
5.2. All information regarding child protection situations must be kept secure and treated with appropriate confidentiality. However, confidentiality must not be misused as a reason to avoid appropriately sharing information with relevant referral agencies/authorities or within the leadership of Alongsiders in the case of abuse or breach of the law.
6. Storytelling, Social Media and Use of Images
Within Alongsiders International the practice of storytelling, posting to social media and the use of images is only to be used for raising awareness, fundraising, advocating for vulnerable children and their communities and promoting human rights.
All Alongsiders employees, volunteers and associates will:
6.1. Always portray children and their families in a dignified and respectful manner and tell stories that highlight their hope and resilience, not victimhood or vulnerability.
6.2. Uphold the dignity of each child by not exploiting, manipulating or spinning a story.
6.3. Always ask children for consent before using their images, explaining to them who we are and how their image will be used. If the child is too young to comprehend permission, consent must be sought from their parent or guardian.
6.4. Always allow children the right to self-expression, to voice their own story and participate in decisions affecting them. Where children are involved in media or storytelling, those closest to the child must be consulted when determining what is in their best interests and what information about them can be shared.
6.5. Always use accurate names and locations for all stories unless an individual’s name or location should be changed or remain undisclosed in order to protect them.
6.6. Be accurate and true in our storytelling. We are truth-tellers who adhere to journalistic principles of balance, fairness and objectivity and we will not exaggerate or embellish.
6.7. Always cite our sources and verify all statistics for accuracy. We will not over sensationalize or necessarily choose the highest statistic for shock value. We will always use the most accurate, well-researched statistics.
6.8. Seek to portray children as part of their community and ensure that children photographed are appropriately clothed and that their pose/position carries no hint of sexual suggestiveness.
6.9. Capture real life as it really happens and not stage or edit “scenes” for effect or to represent something other than the original intent.
6.10. Be aware and respectful of local cultural traditions regarding capturing and reproducing personal images and telling stories.
Alongsiders International Child Protection Declaration
I declare that:
1. I have read and I understand the Alongsiders International Child Protection Policy.
2. I will abide with the Code of Conduct and the Storytelling, Social Media and Use of Images Agreement as described in this policy.
3. I have not been accused or convicted of any offence involving the physical or sexual abuse, violent behaviour and improper conduct.
4. I understand that if a complaint is brought against me regarding a breach of this policy while engaged in an Alongsiders International activity, I must cooperate with any investigation by the appropriate authorities.
5. I understand that it is my duty of care as an employee, volunteer or associate of Alongsiders International to safeguard and protect the children and young people with whom I come into contact.
6. I understand that it is my duty of care to report any concerns about the protection, safety, welfare or abuse of a child or young person to the Child Protection Officer immediately.
By submitting an application for partnership to Alongsiders International you are agreeing to the Child Protection Declaration detailed above, committing to abide by the Alongsiders International Child Protection Policy and acknowledging that this policy has been read, understood and agreed to in it’s entirety.