Sunday School wasn't always a thing...
The most important decisions in the Alongsiders movement aren't made in a North American headquarters, but under a hot tin roof in the rural villages and urban slums of Asia and Africa
The story of Serey Choeng, one of the earliest leaders of Alongsiders in Cambodia, embodies many of the lessons we have learned.
Learning the one thing that never fails to bring us closer to God.
His story doesn't have a Hollywood ending, but you'll be surprised what you learn from this young man.
We want to be very clear about how God has called us to serve.
There was something I didn't realize about Kheing.
Alongsider relationships nurture four characteristics in children and youth that increase their courage and, therefore, their resiliency.
Sorn may not seem like much. If you were looking for a leader, or a game changer, a guy like Sorn might not turn your head.
This is what happens when two young women step out of their comfort zones.
Opening gates for excluded children...
Can we put aside the burden and distraction of being big and living large?
You'll be encouraged to see the significant progress a group of Alongsiders and their little brothers and sisters have made after four months...
Narith is slow to reveal the details of his story, especially the challenges in his life, as though they are commonplace and hardly worth mentioning.
We work with local churches. If you’re nodding your head, or shaking it in concern, keep reading. Some of our reasons may surprise you.
What can Alongsiders do to ensure that EVERY child has a chance to learn?
Karuna, in her own words, was "messy" when her Alongsider mentor came into her life.
I am an observer, along for the ride, when a startled cow rams our motorbike.
Across the developing world, there is a demographic explosion – a population bulge of children and youth and it's changing the world we live in.
In the days following her mother’s death, I remember longing to know how Dai, my 8 year old neighbor in this Phnom Penh slum, was doing.