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Without a vision, the people of God will perish (Proverbs 29:18).

We all need a sense of Purpose -- a reason for what we do that inspires and motivates us!

Do you know your purpose in life? What is your vision for Alongsiders in your community? 

This is where you start always - whenever you share with youth and potential leaders. Cast the vision.

Your purpose always answers the question “Why?”. As you will learn in the video, the purpose, or “why”, for Alongsiders is to serve God and love our neighbor by walking alongside a child. And as the Alongsiders movement grows and mobilizes more youth to come alongside children, it is even more important to be clear about our vision, our purpose, our “why” at every level of our movement. 

  • Why do Alongsiders come alongside a little brother or sister? To help them find their purpose, to help them belong and grow, to change their lives and change the world one child at a time. 

  • Why do Alongsiders meet in groups? The purpose is to encourage every Alongsider by sharing their experiences and challenges with each other. 

  • Why do we have Area Reps and Coordinators in the Alongsiders movement? Their purpose is to multiply themselves by training, supporting and encouraging groups of Alongsiders so that the movement continues to grow.

But don’t just be satisfied with casting the vision. Be sure you are also living the vision yourself. Who are YOU walking alongside? This is integrity.

Finally, wherever you see the vision being lived out, celebrate and point it out to people. In your Alongsiders movement, highlight any actions or attitudes you see that reflect our sense of common purpose. For example, has one of your alongsiders been faithfully serving for a long time? Recognize and honour them! Or at the annual camp, you can celebrate the little brothers and sisters who have now become Alongsiders.

So, as you build a sense of PURPOSE in your movement, these three actions will unlock a growing sense of purpose and passion if you apply them consistently over time:

  1. Share the purpose

  2. Live out the purpose yourself

  3. Celebrate whenever you see people pursuing the purpose



Practice celebrating people who are living out the Alongsiders vision and purpose. Pretend you are in a group of Alongsiders sitting in a circle. Role play one by one, standing up and highlighting one action that someone else took in their pursuit of the purpose.

For example, “David, I saw you being so kind to your little brother last week when you helped him with his homework. What a great example for us all. Thanks David!”

Go around the circle and each person stands and makes up an example of celebrating the purpose.


Nehemiah was very clear about his purpose. What can we learn about Nehemiah's sense of purpose?

1. He understood well the situation about the wall and gates in Jerusalem. For days Nehemiah mourned, fasted and prayed about the devastation.

When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. (Neh 1:4)

Later when he got to the city, he inspected the walls (Neh 2:11, 12). The problem became Nehemiah's own problem. He OWNED it. His purpose was to rebuild the wall.

2. Nehemiah was certain that it was God's intention to rebuild the wall. God's purpose became his purpose. Nehemiah knew 'why' he was going to Jerusalem.

"'You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.' I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me." (Neh 2:17, 18)

Ask God to inspire again with His vision and purpose for you, your leadership and Alongsiders movement.


Ultimately our purpose is to see God’s light shining into every place of darkness. This is the Greatest Story Ever Told - the story of Jesus and His plan for our lives. We developed this video to help your Alongsiders share the beautiful purpose and plan he has for each one of our little brothers and sisters.

Finally, see how this tiny rural church has been transformed by embracing the Alongsiders model. This impact is quiet but powerful, if you have eyes to see…

What’s Next?

Continue to the next module to learn the rest of the keys God has given us for igniting a discipleship movement.