The Alongsiders Roadmap

This is a guide for you as your discipleship movement grows. Contact your Regional Coordinator for help achieving these goals and for access to the Mobilizer 101 and Mobilizer 201 training courses.

Remember this Roadmap is not just about the number of Alongsiders you have but also building the depth and strength of your movement (elders, training, Area Reps, etc.)


A Sprouting Movement is the first stage of launching your Alongsiders discipleship movement. The hard ground needs to be broken up to be ready for planting and growing disciple-makers. You’ll be meeting with pastors and youth, and introducing them to this new concept. Perseverance and courage is required. Getting the first group is the first challenge. After that you can point to the fruit of others who have gone before. So start with “low-hanging fruit” – your own church perhaps. We have often found that rural may be easier than urban, poorer may be easier than richer. Alongsiders is for everyone, but start where you will be most quickly welcomed.

Green Mango MOVEMENT

Before entrance to Green Mango stage we will arrange a visit from your Regional Coordinator (or another leader) who will be able to encourage and strengthen your movement. A Green Mango Movement is multiplying beyond the initial Coordinator. When you have your first groups of Alongsiders you will need to appoint and train Area Reps in order to multiply and grow. Equipping your Area Reps is the main challenge at this stage. Appoint elders to give wisdom and connections. Start with those who are already serving as Alongsiders or who approach you to start Alongsiders in their area. As a Coordinator you are now eligible to attend the Annual Regional Gathering.

Green Mango Requirements

  • Regional Coordinator visit

  • At least 100 Alongsiders registered

  • 5 Active Area Reps (all trained in Mobilizer 101)

  • 3 Elders in place

Yellow Mango MOVEMENT

A Yellow Mango Movement is multiplying beyond the initial Movement Coordinator. At Yellow Mango stage your Area Reps are developing and you are growing in numbers and impact. To enter this stage your Alongsiders will have completed their first year of curriculum and held their first camp. Area Reps and Elders all need to complete the appropriate training. Once you have entered Yellow Mango you will be eligible to hold an annual Area Rep Gathering.

Yellow Mango Requirements

  • At least 250 Alongsiders registered

  • At least 10 Active Area Reps (all trained in Mobilizer 201)

  • Mobilizer 201 completed

  • Year 1 Curriculum and Camp completed

  • 5 Elders (Elders Training completed)


A Harvesting Movement is growing as LBS grow up and become Alongsiders. Alongsiders become Area Reps, and Area Reps become Coordinators and later elders. At this stage maintaining energy and vision is the most important challenge. To gain entry to this stage we will work with you to survey some of your Alongsiders and LBS to measure impact. This will help you see areas to improve as well as give you evidence of change that you can share.

Your Harvesting Requirements

  • At least 500 Alongsiders registered

  • At least 15 Active Area Reps (all trained in Mobilizer 201)

  • Year 2 Curriculum completed

  • Impact Survey


An Orchard Movement is a movement that has helped birth at least one new movement in your own country.

Orchard Requirements

  • At least 1000 Alongsiders registered

  • 20 Active Area Reps

  • Year 3 Curriculum completed

  • Help launch 1 new movement in your country


Beyond Orchard Stage are more exciting stages where you will grow towards self-sustainability and impact. Contact us to learn more about those future stages.


Mustard Seed Funding is a small monthly contribution from the Support Centre for the communication and travel costs of Coordinators and Area Reps. It is not intended to provide an income or a living wage, but simply to help cover some of the costs of phone-calls, internet and limited travel to help you and your Area Reps grow your movement.


  1. The Movement Coordinator will decide how to allocate Mustard Seed funds. For example, you may wish to use the Area Rep funds to pay for a quarterly retreat. Or you may wish to give them a phone card every month (or save the funds and buy a simple phone). Or you may wish to give them cash to help cover travel costs. How you use these funds is up to you and the elders of your movement. However, please write your plans and actions in the six monthly report.

  2. Active Area Reps:

    • are located in different areas, villages, etc. (ie. not in the same church)

    • have at least 10 Alongsiders

    • have recruited 5 new Alongsiders in the last 6 months (The Support Centre will match registrations in the database with Area Rep names to determine whether they are active in each six month period.)

    • are supporting their existing Alongsiders

  3. When a movement has between 25 and 50 active Area Reps, it may be wise to create another level of leadership called Area Coordinators. Each Area Coordinator will have a minimum of 10 Area Reps. Please contact your Regional Coordinator for more information.

  4. To apply for entry to the next stage please fill in the appropriate form on the Requests page. When you are approved (ie. all goals have been achieved) you will be celebrated on the Alongsiders WhatsApp Group.

  5. To apply for Mustard Seed funding please fill in the appropriate form on the Requests page every six months.

  6. Mustard Seed Funds are sent in January and July for a six month period. Be sure to apply before the end of January or July.